Beginners Guide To Investing:
A Contents Page
Written by Ray Ong
I’ve always dreamed of writing a book. Maybe I should start with the contents page and see where it ends up?
1. The relationship between investment risk and investment returns.
2. Take control of what is within my control.
3. Making money and growing money are two different things.
4. Diversification will save your life.
5. You are not as good or as smart as you think. Check your ego at the door.
6. Asset allocation is really cool.
8. Efficient market hypothesis is even cooler.
9. The next crash is always coming.
10. Get rich slowly.
11. Stop talking about passive income.
12. Unconscious biases are not your friends.
13. Your gut feeling actually sucks when investing.
14. How’s your financial information diet?
Wow, that seems pretty interesting to me and I could easily come up with more things to talk about. I guess it’s time to start writing…

Ray is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® with over 15 years of experience. He has a passion for helping people of all backgrounds make smart and meaningful decisions with their money. His mission is to make these services accessible to the majority (not just the minority) — to replace the intimidation and fear of wealth management with freedom.
In his spare time Ray enjoys playing guitar, reading a good book and spending time with his wife and three kids.